Beta Flight National

"I am so very proud of Mike, and to a lesser degree, Scott"

Saturday, November 20, 2004

The real Beta Flight

Now, I'm sure you cats already know about this, but I found out some time ago that there really is a real Beta Flight working to serve Canada with its own brand of subpar patriotic heroism.

Monday, November 15, 2004


As requested, here are the rules to the various forms of Iminki.

1. Say "Iminki"
2. Clap
3. Say "I win!"

Extended Iminki
1. Say "Foot Foot Oplah Oplah Top"
2. With each word spoken in step 1 you execute an action. These are the actions in sequence: Raise a foot, the other foot, a knee, the other knee, tap yourself on the head.
3. Say "Iminki"
4. Clap
5. Say "I win!"

Spanish Iminki
1. Say "Iminki"
2. Clap
3. Say "Yo gano!"

Extended Spanish Iminki
1. Say "Pies Pies Oplah Oplah Arriba"
2. With each word spoken in step 1 you execute an action. These are the actions in sequence: Raise a foot, the other foot, a knee, the other knee, tap yourself on the head.
3. Say "Iminki"
4. Clap
5. Say "Yo gano!"

1. When declaring victory in any form of Iminki you should always shrug, turn your hands upward in a sort of apologetic fashion, and look like you have no idea what just happened.
2. For any of the spoken word portions of the game, use the voice of Mario from the Super Mario Bros. games.
3. When you try to play the word Iminki in scrabble your opponents will insist that it's not a word. You know better.
4. If you have only Iminko it's best to pass.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Celebratory Mike

Here's a picture of Mike celebrating what I can only assume is the rapid approach of World Toilet Day on November 19.


Thursday, November 04, 2004

I ate an enormous sandwich today!

I went to lunch with a bunch of people from work to a restaurant called Peter's on Eglinton. I ate the hugest Reuben sandwich I've ever seen. It was alarmingly big. It had to be at least a pound of corned beef, and was at least five inches high. And while it was delicious, the sheer amount of meat I was putting in my mouth made me sort of queasy. With a lot of effort and with meat grease dripping from my fingers, I crammed the whole thing down my gullet, becoming the only one at the table to finish my meal.

"If only Mike were here," I said as I slumped back in my chair. Nobody knew who I was talking about, but talking any more was just too much effort.

Rip it n' Kick it, Yo!

Rock out with your cock out! Whoo!