Beta Flight National

"I am so very proud of Mike, and to a lesser degree, Scott"

Friday, October 29, 2004

Here's a post for you jackasses

In the interests of giving Mike what he wants -- more posts* -- I thought I'd mention that I started fencing again. But since I've already blogged about it, I won't repeat the details.

What I didn't mention there (Alert: Bonus Beta Flight Content) is that I practiced with a pretty cute French girl whose natural advantage is that she can pronounce en garde and touché perfectly. However, I warned her that I plan to even the odds through my devious French parrot plan.

That reminds me: I got some mileage yesterday out of Mike's story about Augustus trying to blame him for ripping up all the newspapers.

* "Posts" may, at the reader's discretion, be construed to mean "hamburgers".


At 12:20 PM, Blogger Scott said...

One of the great bonuses of being a buddy of Mike's is being able to recycle his trove of great stories. You can automatically be interesting at a party if you so choose. I, however, still choose to be somewhat boring.

As for the fencing, the next time I see you, Peter, I'm going to keep saying "EPEE" like an annoying retard ala you in Canadian Tire with Kristen.

At 7:45 PM, Blogger Peter Lynn said...

Okay. But I switched to foil fencing. And it's epeé. With the French accent.


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